Data Manager

Use the Data Manager to save model runs for use later on, to reorder runs, to load parameters from earlier runs and to load runs from external data sources.

To open this dialog box, choose Data Manager from the Model menu, or click on the button on the Run toolbar. You can also click on Manage Comparative Data in the panel for comparative graphs and tables.

Note: If the model hasn't been run, there will be no action that can be taken in the Data Manager other than importing a run from an external source.

Data Strategy

The data strategy you select determines how many runs will be kept before they roll off of the list and what will happen to comparative graphs and tables when runs do roll of the list.

Keep all the variables for the ___ most recent runs – Tells the software how many runs you want to keep in place. Any runs above this number that have not been explicitly saved will be dropped to make way for the new run.

Note All variables will be kept only if Keep all variable results has been checked in the Model Settings Properties Panel

Delete runs over the threshold..., if checked, will cause any runs beyond the threshold specified above to be completely deleted. If this is not checked, and you have any comparative graphs or tables, these runs will only be partially deleted, and the values from them will continue to be displayed in the comparative graphs and tables. Unchecking this means that comparative graphs and table will simply keep adding results until you restore results. Checking it, as it is now, will drop runs past the threshold.

Note When you perform a sensitivity run the software will act as if you unchecked the above checkbox for the duration of the sensitivity run, then change back to the checked behavior for the next run. You might, for example, normally see 2 runs, then see 4 after running sensitivity, then see 2 again after a normal run.

Binary format data stores (Stella Enterprise Only)

Save to .isdbb (binary format) file for speed, if checked, will save run results to a binary format file rather the the SQLite format normally used. This is much faster, though less portable. For data files that are more than 100 megabytes there is a substantial performance improvement when save this way.

Runs displayed in comparative graphs and tables

This is a list of runs that will be displayed in any comparative graphs or tables including the Results Panel

and Causal Lens™. You can reorder this list by dragging the row to a different position except as noted below. You can also drag a row to the list on the right. For row in the list there are a number of actions you can take by clicking or double clicking at the appropriate location.

Preserved/Locked Runs...

If you have specified particular runs in a graph or table (rather than current run), or have stashed data as described in Stash Data , there ,may be a list of runs that are used in those graphs and tables. Deleting these runs will invalidate the corresponding graph or table. When you click on the delete button in this case you will have an opportunity to navigate to the graph or table using it.

Note If you want to get rid of all run data, including preserved and locked runs, first save the model, then close it and delete the .isdb file with the same name. When you reopen the model there will be no run data.

Save and hide all runs above moves everything in the list to the list on the right. It is the equivalent of dragging each of them across. Runs below the Preserved/Locked Runs line will not be affected.

Note For graphs and tables that are not comparative, the last run in the list (or the last run before the Preserved/Locked Runs line if that is displayed) will be used. To see the results from a run drag it to that position.

Note If the last run in the list is not Full, then many graphs and tables may simply appear blank.

Saved runs hidden from graphs and tables

This list acts as a holding area for runs that you want to keep but for which you do not currently want to look at results. To see the results in one of these runs drag it to the list on the left.

Saved and hidden runs have the same set of actions as runs in the left list, except that they are saved by definition so there is no save checkbox.

Delete all runs above will delete all the runs in the list and remove them from the list. This action can't be undone. If there are graphs or tables that explicitly reference one of the runs in the list that run will appear in the left window below the Preserved/Locked Runs line.

Restore all Devices will delete unsaved runs in the list on the left. It is the same as the button on the toolbar.

External Data

Use the Load External Data as a Run button to bring data into a model so you can compare then with simulation results. After clicking on the button you will see the Load External Data dialog box. Use this to select the file to load. After loading the file will be marked as saved. You can rename it by double clicking on its name.